Invitation to „Urban Talks“ debates of the Prague European Summit 2021
We invite you to two „Urban Talks“ debates organized as a part of the Prague European Summit 2021.
Urban Talks: EU Space Programme in the Making? Securing the EU’s Sovereignty on Earth and in Space #EU in the world
12th July, 5 pm – 6:30 pm CET, Skautský institut (Staroměstské náměstí 4/1, 110 00 Prague)
In 2021, the EU launched the European Union Agency for the Space Programme in line with the start of its new seven-year space programme and recently approved €14.8 billion budget. This development follows the establishment of the new Directorate-General for Defense Industry and Space (DG DEFIS). These developments reflect the growing importance of space in our everyday lives, the functioning of modern societies, and defense and security. The panel will discuss both current plans and ambitions of the EU in space, but also its long-term vision.
- Petr Boháček, Research Fellow, Center for Governance of Emerging Technologies, IIR
- Bohumil Doboš, Academic Researcher, Institute of Political Studies, Charles University
- Tomáš Hrozenský, Research Fellow, European Space Policy Institute (online)
- Daniel Lopour, Market Development Officer, EU Agency for the Space Programme
- Jana Robinson, Managing Director, Space Security Program Director, Prague Security Studies Institute
- Ondřej Šváb, Head of Space Technologies and Applications Unit, Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic
Moderator: Adriana Lenkavská, Advisor to the Prague European Summit & Junior Researcher
You can find more information at our Facebook event or use this registration link to directly register for in-person participation:
However, please note that all participants will be asked to follow the latest epidemiological measures, meaning they will be asked to show valid vaccination certificates or negative results from PCR or antigen tests.
Urban Talks: Green Transition in Practice: Strategy, Funding, Projects #Post-Pandemic Recovery, In Cooperation with PwC
14th July, 4 pm- 5 pm CET, Online
How can companies and public institutions approach the environmental agenda and get through stronger? What benefits do they gain following the environmental path, and are there any threats in case they do not? Who can help? How can the transformation project be funded?
- Jan Brázda, ESG Leader PwC Czech Republic, CEE Partner
- Kamil Čermák, Chairman of the Board, CEO at ČEZ ESCO
- Jitka Haubová, Member of the Board, COO at Komerční banka
Moderator: Linda Zeilina, Founder and CEO of the International Sustainable Finance Centre
You can find more information at the Facebook event or use the registration form to register: