
Alica Kizeková

Senior Researcher, Institute of International Relations Prague

Alica Kizeková works as a senior researcher at the Centre for the Study of Global Regions and heads its Asia Pacific Unit. She pursued a Ph.D. by research in International Relations at Bond University in Queensland, Australia (Ph.D.) and she has a Master’s degree in international relations and diplomacy from the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. In addition, she works at the IIR as a coordinator of activities related to the Think Visegrad- V4 Think Tank Platform and a program coordinator of the International Symposium on Czech foreign policy. She holds an honorary adjunct research fellowship at the Faculty of Society and Design at Bond University in Queensland, Australia. In the past, she was an assistant professor at the Institute of Territorial Studies of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies at Mendel University in Brno (2017-2018), adviser to the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic (2015-2017), head of the Department of Asian Studies and academic at the Metropolitan University of Prague (2014-2015). She worked as a teaching fellow and a senior research assistant at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Bond University, in Queensland, Australia (2005-2013). Her professional interests include regionalism, multilateralism, global governance, security, democracy, soft balancing, Central Europe, Central Asia, and the Asia-Pacific region.