
Jakub Jaňura

Big Data Expert, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic

Jakub Jaňura studied Regional geography and regional development at Masaryk university. The academic activities were focused on the field of socio-geographical regionalisation and the issues of spatial accessibility from the point of view of people with special needs.

After that worked as a manager of ´Voluntary union of municipalities Čistá Jihlava´ and part of Local Action Group ´Podbrněnsko´, both with focus on local development and strategic cooperation with local mayors.

Since 2016 in civil service in the Ministry of Interior. There he was dealing with the issues of reform of the administrative geography of the Czech republic. As a leader of the team responsible for implementation of the Strategic goal „Reviewed and Optimised Public Governance at Territorial Level“ of Strategic Framework of the Development of Public Administration in the Czech Republic in 2014-2020 he continued in reform activities from wider perspectives.

Recently he works as a Head of the Unit for Coordination of Public Administration and International Relations, which is focused particularly on the project management of overall reform of public administration in the Czech republic, based mostly on forementioned Strategic Framework.