Laura Delponte
Laura Delponte is a policy advisor and project manager at CSIL the Centre for Industrial Studies since 2011. Laura has large experience in carrying out evaluation and comparative assessment of public policies and programmes. She has more than 15-year experience in the field of industrial, research and innovation and regional development related policies and programmes. She has recently authored the „In-depth analysis on European Artificial Intelligence (AI) leadership, the path for an integrated vision” for the European Parliament. She has coordinated the assessment of the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme as regards its „Industrial leadership” priority with a focus on SMEs and ICT.
For the European Parliament she authored the studies on “Space market uptake in the EU” and “ICT for development”. She is currently involved as senior researcher and policy advisor in the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Modernisation, a DG Grow flagship programme.
She holds a university degree on Public Administration and International Institution Management from Luigi Bocconi University (Italy) and a Masters’ degree in Economics from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium).