Lucia Mokrá
Lucia Mokrá graduated in Political Science and Law. She had been awarded title „philosophiae doctor“ from Constitutional Law and associate professorship from International Law and European Law. She is graduate of „Diploma in an Introduction to English and European Union Law“, organised by University of Cambridge.
She is author of many research work, papers and text-books at home as well as abroad. She is participating in many research projects focusing on European law from the institutional point of view, as well as from implementation practice. Her main research area are International Law, European Law, European Institutions, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. She is actively involved in lecturing process at universities abroad (United Kingdom, Slovenia, Poland, Czech Republic and Italy).
She is serving as dean of Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of Comenius University in Bratislava, rapporteur of Intergovenmental Council of UNESCO MOST programme and board member of TEPSA. She is national coordinator of RAUN programme for Slovakia