Marie Donnay
Marie Donnay is Director in the Recovery and Resilience Task Force (SG-Recover – European Commission). The Task Force is in charge of the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), the centre piece of “Next Generation EU“. Together with DG Ecfin, the SG Recover is negotiating and implementing national plans to recover from the pandemic and make our economies and societies more sustainable, more digital and more resilient. Before joining SG Recover, Marie held different positions in DG Ecfin and more recently in DG Fisma where shed led the work on the resolution frameworks for Banks, Insurance and CCPs, as well as deposit insurance/ insurance guarantee schemes at national level, and the debates on the completion of the Banking Union (EDIS). Previously to joining the European Commission, she worked at the ECB, IMF and KULeuven. Marie studied Economics at the KULeuven, FUNDP (Namur), Rotterdam University and Università di Bologna.