Matteo Bonomi
Matteo Bonomi (PhD, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa) is a Research Fellow at Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome, where he works on “EU, politics and institutions” programme. His professional experience and research interests have been related to EU integration and EU enlargement policy. He is Assistant Project Coordinator of the H2020 Project EU IDEA (EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability and he is also a member of the BiEPAG (Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group). Matteo has worked as an expert or consultant for various institutes, think tanks, foundations, or public agencies in Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, and Serbia. He has published academic and policy papers on various aspects of EU integration, Western Balkan – EU relations, and the political economy of EU enlargement.