Štefan Fule
Štefan Füle served as European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy between 2010 and 2014. Until then, in 2009, he served in the Czech government as the European Affairs Minister. Ambassador Füle graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He started his professional career at the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1987 and since then has held many important positions at the Ministry, Czech embassies abroad as well as international organizations such as UN or NATO. In 1990 – 1995 he served in the UN structures as the First Secretary of the Czechoslovakian (later Czech) Permanent Delegation at the UN, later Member and Alternate Representative to the UN Security Council. After that he directed the United Nations Department (1995 – 1996) and Security Policy Department (1996 – 1998) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1998 he was appointed Czech Ambassador to Lithuania and in 2003 became Ambassador to the UK. In 2005 he became Czech Permanent Representative to NATO until 2009, when was appointed European Affairs Minister. Ambassador Füle recently joined International Advisory Board of the Central European Strategy Council.