Kyriacos Kakouris
Mr Kyriacos Kakouris is Vice-President of the European Investment Bank as of October 2023.
Mr Kakouris has a 33-year professional experience in the Ministry of Finance in Cyprus. In the period November 2022-October 2023 he was Director of Finance, Directorate of Strategy and Coordination in the Ministry, while between 2016 and 2022 he was Director of International Financial Institutions and Financial Management of Central Government Directorate in the same Ministry. He has a long experience in project financing and working with international financial institutions. As part of his professional activities, he was also member of the Board of Directors of EIB, Administrative council of the Council of Europe Development Bank, Governor for Cyprus of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
Kyriacos Kakouris studied Economics at the University of Athens and Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada.